Pamper Night

Welcome to Blogtober - Day 2! 🎃

I decided to have a bit of a pamper night which included having a bath, lighting some candles and taking care of my skin. I thought this would be a great second post as I'm all about autumn candles and cozy nights in! 😍

Now, I must say I love a good sheet mask! Even though they make me look like someone from The Purge... 💀

I actually feel like they're hydrating my skin & this one from Beauty Belle was the choice for tonight!

The instructions are displayed on the back so you don't have to worry about flicking through an instruction manual - not that you'l need one as it's so easy to use 😉

I left my mask on for about 20 minutes and then decided it was time to step in the bath!

I love LUSH in terms of bath products! My choice of bath bomb tonight was the Intergalactic bath bomb which makes your bath look like a galaxy! (I said 'bath' way too many times in that paragraph)

Here's an image for reference! I found it at:
I was too impatient and forgot to take a photo myself, sorry! 😅
Now, a pamper night would not be complete without a lovely hot chocolate so that's what I had!

How has your day been and what are your pamper night essentials?



  1. I love this...and that bath looks so pretty by the way. My pamper nights is just hot chocolate or coffee, and relaxing with a face mask which I use a mint mask, and I do my nails. ��

    1. Thank you so much! I love a good hot chocolate, I would do my nails but I'm not that great at doing them haha :)

  2. Well this sounds like my paper night of dreams! Love that your drink choice was hot chocolate it's so perfect at this time of year! Great post lovely 😘

    1. Yeah agreed, I love hot chocolate!
      Thanks so much :)

  3. My pamper night essentials definitely include face masks, don’t feel like it’s complete without one x

    1. Definitely not! Face masks make your skin feel incredible! x

  4. Intergalactic is one of my favorite to look at. I haven't actually taken a bath (possibly ever that I can remember), but if I did, I'd love to try LUSH bath bombs :D

    1. No way?! You should try having a bath, they're so relaxing! x

    2. I'm waiting for when I have my own private bath.. Sharing a bathroom grosses me out when it comes to considering taking a bath.

  5. I love a good pamper, thanks for your comment :) xx

  6. Ooo I haven't tried chamomile tea, it sounds lovely though! xx


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