I passed my driving test...

The day I started driving lessons was such an exciting but completely nerve-wracking time of my life.
I started in August 2016 which was pretty late considering my birthday was back in February, but I remember being too scared to start.

I do get anxious when I have to step out of my comfort zone, which I know is a completely normal thing but unlike everybody else I wasn't eager to start driving.

I knew I had to eventually learn to drive as I live in a little village which is about a 10-15 minute drive away from any shops and I would also be starting a job which would require me to find some form of transport.


I passed my driving test on the 29th September 2017 and I still can't believe it! After failing 4 times, I did not have any faith in myself whatsoever and on the 5th time I decided I didn't care anymore. Little did I know I would pass that day!

I knew I could drive and that it was just nerves that was stopping me from passing but after the 4th time I didn't feel like I was ever going to pass! My problem was that I was too afraid to speak up and tell the examiner to 'repeat the instructions'. When I was told to take a left turn and ended up taking a right one, I would start to panic because I had made a mistake which then threw me off for the rest of the test.

My biggest piece of advice is not to panic! I know that is so much easier said than done (coming from experience) but when I started to picture the examiner as being my regular instructor or a family member, I felt much more relaxed.

I treated my 5th test as if it was a regular lesson. It took me several attempts to get into the right frame of mind but now I can happily say that I did it! 🎉

As soon as I told my boyfriend that I'd passed, he went out and brought me some essentials for my car (which was really sweet of him!) 

If you're about to take your driving test or feel to scared to even start then don't be afraid to send me a message or an email (which is found on the contact page).

Remember, everybody gets nervous and it's okay to feel like that before your test!

P.S      I still have yet to find a Red Mini but hopefully I'll have one soon! I'll keep you updated and also Happy Blogtober and Friday the 13th!



  1. Congrats!! I don’t turn 17 until next April but the thought of driving already makes me feel sick haha - will defo keep this advice in mind when the time comes xx

    Judanna xo // www.judanna.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thank you! Honestly you'll be fine, you have nothing to worry about! Good luck when the time comes :) xx

  2. Congratulations!! I passed on my 3rd test so I know how it feels to want to give up! So rewarding though now you've passed! Fab post �� x

    1. Thanks so much! Yeah it's not a great feeling when you fail but I'm so happy I did it x

  3. Congratulations! I passed second time and I’ve been driving for 3 and a half years! I love it!!!❤️❤️

    1. Thank you and congratulations to you also!! xxx

  4. Ah congratulations lovely! I've so far not learn to drive as I'm far too anxious to learn, hopefully sometime in the future I'll build up the courage to do so!

    1. Thanks so much! Don't worry, you have plenty of time to learn how to drive so just do it when you feel it's right :)

      Good luck!

  5. Congratulations! I passed 2nd time but in the back of my head was convinced I was going to fail again so didn't really care and was pretty relaxed about the whole thing. To my surprise I passed! It's definitely nerves that make you fail.

    Steph x

    1. Thanks so much and congratulations to you also!
      Yes nerves is such a huge factor, I knew how to drive but nerves completely threw me off! x

  6. Congrats babe, I passed my first time when I was 18.
    I was super nervous so I'm so shocked I passed tbh lol.
    Be prepared to be a taxi driver for friends and family members lol xxx

    1. Thank you and congratulations to you also!
      Well, luckily a lot of my friends can already drive but I still reckon I'll be a taxi for my brothers :( xx

  7. YAY! Congratulations!!! I still haven't passed mine, I just have no interest in driving in London. But totally get if you're rural why you need to. Hope you find your little red mini soon.
    Anna xx

    1. Yeah I totally understand what you mean, thanks so much! xxx

  8. Wooo well done!!
    You have so much more freedom when you can drive because it doesn't take 10 years to get any where you can just hop in a car whenever you like and go!

    Maya x

    1. Thank you!
      I know, I can't wait to start driving now :) x

  9. Congrats! I failed four times and it was really discouraging, but honestly it was harder on my mom. I hope you find your mini, I want one someday.

    A Sparkle Of Grace

  10. Well done that's amazing! I'd love to drive xx

  11. Congrats! It took me 3 try's to pass my test too, they're so nerve wracking. I wouldn't be able to do mine again now, since being diagnosed with GAD, that'd be completely out of the question! Just relived I got mine out the way when I was 18!


  12. ive been saying im booking my lessons for the past month but keep putting it off because I'm scared!

  13. Congrats lovely! It's been so long since I passed mine. I was one point away from failing!


  14. Well done!!! I’m so so happy for you! I can’t wait to get mine done you’ve given me the courage!


    Abbey Hearts xx

  15. Congratulations!! I'm currently learning and I can't wait for the day I pass xx

  16. Congratulations! I miss my car so much now I’m at Uni. Getting the train home and to go visit my boyfriend just takes SO LONG! Enjoy your freedom

    Lon x

  17. Yeyeee congrats!! Doesn't matter how long it takes you did it xoxo

  18. Congrats lovely!! I passed on my 3rd attempt, i always found it so nerve wracking! X

  19. ahhh welldone! it took me 3 tries, I failed the first one before I'd ever left the centre car park! It wasn't until I relaxed that I managed to pass

    Hannah @ The Northern Writes | www.thenorthernwrites.co.uk


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